Dr. Zhe He, FAMIA

- Associate Professor, School of Information, Florida State University
- Associate Professor (courtesy), Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine, Florida State University
- Associate Professor (courtesy), Department of Computer Science, Florida State University
- Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA)
- Core Affiliate, Institute for Successful Longevity, Florida State University
- Informatics Lead, UF-FSU Clinical and Translational Science Award, Florida State University
Faculty Affiliates

- Professor, School of Information, Florida State University
- Associate Editor, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
- Areas of Research: Behavior Change Interventions; Consumer Health Informatics; Persuasive Technology; Tailored Health Communication
Postdoc Scholar
Balu Bhusaran, PhD
- 07/2023 – Present
- Topic: TBD
Doctoral Students
Postdoctoral Scholar / Visiting Assistant Professor
- Balu Bhasuran, PhD
- 07/2023 – Present
- Topic: Biomedical Deep learning and Natural Language Processing, EHR Data Modelling
- Dr. He’s role: Postdoc Advisor
Application Developer
- Dhruv Kale, MS
- 03/2024 – Present
- Dr. He’s role: Supervisor
Doctoral Students
- Forhan Bin Emdad, PhD student, School of Information, Florida State University
- 08/2021 – present
- Topic: Trustworthy AI and Explainable AI I in medicine
- Dr. He’s role: Chair of the Dissertation Committee
- Yuanying Pang, PhD student, School of Information, Florida State University
- 08/2022 – present
- Topic: Adherence to digital health interventions
- Dr. He’s role: Chair of the Dissertation Committee
- Xiaoyu Wang, PhD student, Department of Statistics, Florida State University
- 8/2022 – present, Graduate Research Assistant
- Topic: Prediction Models with EHR Data, NLP methods for extracting social determinants of health from clinical notes
- Dr. He’s role: Co-Advisor
- Aejin Lee, PhD student, School of Information, Florida State University
- 06/2024 – present
- Topic: TBD
- Dr. He’s role: First-Year Advisor
Undergraduate Students
- Angelique Deville, UROP Program (2023-2024), OPS Research Assistant (2023-2024), Department of Biological Sciences
- Hailey Thompson, UROP Program (2023-2024), OPS Research Assistant (2023-2024), Department of Computer Science
- Akhil Shiju, UROP Program (2020-2021), OPS Research Assistant (2022-2023), Department of Biological Sciences
- Currently a medical student at Florida State University College of Medicine
- Jessica Valyou, UROP Program (2021-2022), OPS Student (2022- 2024)
- Elizabeth Steidley, UROP Program (2020-2021)
Alsan Erdengasileng, PhD Graduate, Department of Statistics, Florida State University
- 2019 – 2023, Graduate Research Assistant (Dissertation Committee Member)
- Publications (N=5): SEPDA 2021a, SEPDA 2021b, BCB 2021, JAMIA Open 2021, AMIA 2022 Summit
- First Employment: Data Scientist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Shubo Tian, PhD Graduate, Department of Statistics, Florida State University
- 2020 – 2022, Graduate Research Assistant (Dissertation Committee Member)
- Topic: Prediction Models with EHR Data
- Publications (N=5): SEPDA 2021a, SEPDA 2021b, BCB 2021, AMIA 2022 Summit, Gerontologist 2022
- First Employment: Research Scientist at National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine
Daniel Bis, PhD Graduate, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University
- 2018 – 2022, Collaborating student (Dissertation Committee Member)
- Topic: Word sense disambiguation, deep learning-based natural language processing
- Publications (N=2): BIBM 2018, BMC Bioinformatics 2019
- First Employment: Applied Scientist at Amazon (Alexa AI)
Aiwen Xing, PhD Graduate, Department of Statistics, Florida State University
- 2020 – 2022, Collaborating student (Dissertation Committee Member)
- Topic: Meta-analysis for biomedical and translational research
- First Employment: Senior Biostistical Scientist, Merck & Co.
- Publications (N=6): JAMIA Open 2021, JMIR 2020–1, JMIR 2020-2, ICHI 2021, AMIA 2021 Informatics Summit, PLOS One 2022
Laura A. Barrett, MS

- MS Student in Information Technology, School of Information, Florida State University
- Topic: Prediction Models for Disease Outcomes; Health Information Seeking
- Paper Published (N=3): AMIA 2019 Summit; MEDINFO 2019; AMIA 2020 Summit
- Poster Presented (N=1): MEDINFO 2019
- First Employment: Florida Department of Health
Seyedeh Neelufar Payrovnaziri, PhD, MS

- PhD in Information Studies (ABD), School of Information, Florida State University
- Topic: Explainable AI using EHR for Mortality Prediction for Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases
- Paper Published (N=7): AMIA 2019 Summit; MEDINFO 2019; AMIA 2020 Summit; IJCNN 2020; JAMIA (2020), JAMIA Open (2021), AMIA 2021 Informatics Summit
- Poster Presented (N=1): MEDINFO 2019
- First Employment: Postdoc Scholar at Stanford University School of Medicine
Lynette Gerido, PhD, MPH

- PhD Student in Information Studies, School of Information, Florida State University
- Topic: Clinical Trial Information Seeking, Participation, and Enrollment
- Paper published (N=1): JMIR (2020)
- Poster presented (N=4): AMIA 2018 Poster, ICHI 2018 Poster, ASIS&T 2017 Poster #1, ASIS&T 2017 Poster #2
- Awards: Runner-Up of 2017 AcademyHealth HRSProj Student Research Competition
- First Employment: Postdoc Researcher at University of Michigan School of Public Health
Yu Lu, MS

- Specialist, School of Information, Florida State University
- Topic: Consumer Health Informatics
- Paper published (N=4): MEDINFO 2019, JMIR 2020, AMIA 2020, iConference 2021
- Poster Presented (N=1): MEDINFO 2019
Xiang Tang, MS

- MS Student, Department of Statistics, Florida State University
- Topic: Clinical Trial Generalizability Assessment
- Paper published (N=3): JMIR (2019), Clinical and Translational Science (2020), Sleep Health (2020)
- First Employment: Associate Statistical Programmer at Boehringer Ingelheim
Zhiwei Chen, MS, Department of Computer Science, Florida State University
- 08/2015 – 08/2017 , Graduate Research Assistant
- Topic: Natural Language Processing on Biomedical and Social Media Text
- Paper published (N=7): BMC Med Inform and Decision Making (2018), JBI (2017), JMIR Med Inform (2017), BIBM 2017, BIBM 2016, EMBC 2016, iConference 2016.
- First Employment: Software Engineer in Machine Learning at Evie Labs, Palo Alto, CA
Jiwon Lee, PhD, Department of Statistics, Florida State University
- 08/2016 – 08/2017, Graduate Assistant
- Topic: Prevalence of Multiple Chronic Conditions in the National Inpatient Sample
- Paper published (N=1): JMIR (2018)
- First Employment: Mathematical Statistician at United States Census Bureau, Washington DC
Min Sook Park, PhD, School of Information, Florida State University
- 08/2015 – 12/2015, Graduate Research Assistant
- Topic: Analysis of Medical Vocabulary Coverage on Health-Related Social Media
- Paper published (N=2): JMIR Med Inform (2017), iConference 2016
- First Employment: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI